Motto 今を生きることを楽しむ 「未来を恐れず、過去に執着せず、今を生きろ」 堀江貴文さんが学生に向けて贈ったこの言葉が、とても大好きなんです。 過ぎ去ったことに苛まれたり、予測つかない未来にうじうじしても、人生楽しくありません。 Here's an idea aim for a personal motto that best encompasses where you are right now I often reiterate that we're not the same today as we were last year, and we won't be the same person a year from now So, you don't need to stress about looking for a personal motto that will be perfect for you today as well as 50 years in the futureMottoMotto Inamoto (Extended Version Caballero Remix) 04 Tam Arrow Go!
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